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GML Language / Raytracer Documentation


Current Function List (Last updated: July 4th, 2001)

Name Description Status
acos arc cosine function Complete
addi integer addition Complete
addf real addition Complete
apply function application operator Complete
asin arc sine function Complete
clampf clamp the range of a real number Complete
cone a unit cone  
cos cosine function Complete
cube a unit cube Complete
cylinder a unit cylinder  
difference difference of two solids  
divi integer division Complete
divf real division Complete
eqi integer equality comparison Complete
eqf real equality comparison Complete
floor real to integer conversion Complete
frac fractional part of real number Complete
get get an array element Complete
getx get x component of point Complete
gety get y component of point Complete
getz get z component of point Complete
if conditional control operator Complete
intersect intersection of two solids
length array length Complete
lessi integer less-than comparison Complete
lessf real less-than comparison Complete
light defines a directional light source Complete
modi integer remainder Complete
muli integer multiplication Complete
mulf real multiplication Complete
negi integer negation Complete
negf real negation Complete
plane the XZ-plane Complete
point create a point value Complete
pointlight defines a point-light source Complete
real convert an integer to a real number Complete
render render a scene to a file Complete
rotatex rotation around the X-axis Complete
rotatey rotation around the Y-axis Complete
rotatez rotation around the Z-axis Complete
scale scaling transform Complete
sin sine function Complete
sphere a unit sphere Complete
spotlight defines a spotlight source  
sqrt square root Complete
subi integer subtraction Complete
subf real subtraction Complete
translate translation transform Complete
union union of two solids Complete
uscale uniform scaling transform Complete